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2 Reasons You Need A Workers Comp Lawyer In California

If your workers’ comp claim was not accepted, don’t accept defeat and the challenges surrounding your injury or illness. Todd R. Tatro is considered by many to be one of the the best workers’ compensation lawyers in Fresno. Since Ozeran Law operates on a contingency fee basis, you don't need to stress about the costs of hiring an attorney. We know the financial stress most workers experience after suffering serious injuries and having to miss work for a prolonged period. If we don't get you a settlement or jury verdict, you will pay $0 for our services. Employing a California Attorney experienced in workers’ comp claims to represent you during these times is likely the best way to protect your rights as a Southern California employee.
It is intended to be a no-fault system, meaning that rather than suing the employer, you are proving that you are eligible for these benefits. To do this, you and your legal team must prove that you were a) employed by the company, and b) injured due explicitly to your work. The California's Board Certification Program in workers' compensation law is defined to include "the representation of parties in connection with industrial injury and disease claims."

Filing an Application gives the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board jurisdiction to decide any disputed issue which may arise in the injury claim. The time period to file the Application is within one year from the date of the injury if the injured work comp attorney worker’s claim is denied. If the injury claim was accepted, the Application must be filed within five years of the date of injury. Discovery into the injured worker’s private medical history is permitted once an Application is filed.

Conversely, reporting the problem right away helps to prevent delay and other issues such as obtaining necessary medical care you may need, and obtaining temporary disability payments. No Future Medical Expenses – The insurance company releases itself of any responsibility to pay for any future medical care. You will have to pay for any care yourself, but will receive money to compensate for this care in the lump sum settlement amount.
You’re also experiencing an enormous amount of mental pain that can be as bad, or worse, than your physical symptoms. From the moment I met with Dan I felt a sense of relief, I finally had found a seasoned legal professional who was patient and guided me through the difficult and tedious maze of Workers Compensation law. If you can’t return to your job because of your work-related injuries, you may be eligible for a voucher to help you get other work.

You have up to 30 days to notify your employer that you were hurt at work, but it is best not to wait. If you wait, it will take longer to receive benefits and it might make your employer or its workers' compensation insurance company suspicious that you are just trying to get money. If you do not notify your employer within 30 days of the injury, you may lose your right to benefits. The supplemental payment is made to workers whose permanent disability benefits are disproportionately low in comparison to their earnings losses. The application for the one-time payment must be submitted to the RTWSP within one year from when the voucher was sent to the injured worker. If the injured worker disagrees with the eligibility determination, the injured worker may appeal to the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board within twenty days.
We’ve met a lot of workers who are apprehensive with fighting

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